Manna Community (Adults) (청년부)

Manna Community (Adults) (청년부)

Manna Community was named as a fun on the Korean word “만나, ” which is the word for “manna, ” but also means “to meet, in Korean ” as our ministry gathers to be a community that meets to feed on the Bread of life through growing in God’ s Word. Whatever the pun, we are a multi-cultural church family that exists to glorify God through transformed lives, marked by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

만나 청년부는 하나님이 이스라엘에게 주신 양식인 만나를 의미함과 동시에 한국어로 만나,
즉 만남을 추구하는 공동체라는 의미가 있습니다.
우리 만나 청년부는 하나님의 말씀 안에서 자라는 삶,
예수 그리스도의 복음으로 인해 변화된 삶을 살아감으로
하나님께 영광을 돌리기 위해 존재하는 다문화 교회 가족입니다.

Pastor Esta O

Education Department Director

Worship Services (예배 안내)

Age Group (연령): College to adults

10:45 AM-12:20 PM

Lord's Day Worship


Location (장소)

E.M. Worship Room

7:30 PM-9:30 PM

Friday Bible Study

(금dy 성경공부)

Location (장소)

Varies Weekly

* Lord's Dav worship is joint with Youthna Community

* 주일 예배는 유스그룹과 연합으로 드립니다

Contact Manna Community

Education Department Director

P. Esta O (교육부 담당 전도사)